Cadbury Schweppes

Project Info

Client: Cadbury Schweppes Location: Watford Year: 2001

A blank canvas transformed into a creative, productive and award-winning space for Cadbury Schweppes.

Cadbury Schweppes, known around the world for their confectionary and beverages, were looking for new headquarters that provided a blank canvas upon which ideas and opportunities would be explored, and their iconic brand core values and strengths would be reflected. They approached Squaredot knowing that we could design their new European beverage headquarters with that, and more, in mind.

The key to this project was cultivating a space that stimulated creativity and enhanced productivity for staff. Squaredot explored many ideas and opportunities with the blank canvas ahead of them, and created a vivid, exciting interior reflecting the effervescence of not only Cadbury Schweppes products but also their brand image and personality. Further expressing the fun personality and ethos of their business in the space planning and furniture specification, an example of which is the use of moulded hands decorating the walls, holding a selection of Cadbury Schweppes products. This small yet quirky touch is a big addition to the fun aesthetic and colourful dynamics of the building as a whole.

As this was the first opportunity Cadbury Schweppes had to create a new image with their workplace they were keen to make sure that their brand personality and core values shone through, whilst also being a practical and productive office environment for their employees. This design earned Squaredot the 2002 BCO Regional Award for “Fit Out Workplace”, London and South East England. 

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